Glenn Brown
Hi, I am Glenn Brown who is a Technology Executive
Glenn Brown... ENABLING ORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESS THROUGH TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS642 Huntington Way NW • Lilburn, GA 30047-2670 • H: 770-925-2433 • C: 404-735-0451 • glennrbr [email protected]/in/glennraybrownTechnology Executive who combines big-picturethinking with finely focused solutions that deliverrevenue, cost savings and organizationalcompetitiveness for Fortune 50 –2000 companies.Expert at complex security, network, wireless, datacenter design, voice and implementation issuesin enterprise, commercial, telecommunications,financial, manufacturing, medical, and retailsectors. Exceptional engineering team-buildingand leadership skills. Brings best-practices culledfrom wide range of technology environments, withcareer-long perspective on facilitating corporategoals through identifying root cause issues andaddressing with best technology solutions.Prosys Information SystemsHP Practce ManagerGlenn R. BrownTechnology ConsultantSoftchoice, Inc.Director of Cisco Services, North AmericaMarietta Street PartnersChief Technology OfficerE^DeltaComDir. of Enterprise Networking Grp, E^DeltaComDir. of Enterprise Networking Grp, Bay DataMgr. of Network Engineering, Universal DataMCISenior Network EngineerCAREER AT A GLANCECROSS-FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIESComprehensive Leadership SkillsVendorNegotiations/ManagementOperationalEfficienciesP&LResponsibilityProductDevelopmentProcessImprovementsTeam Building/Mentoring$3.6M and resolvedSOX concernsby redesigning WAN, preparing network forVOIP, video and global ERP rollout, brought webservices/e-Commerce capabilities in-house, renegotiatedcarrier contracts, implemented $10MERP system and enabled global JIT inventory.sales, professional services and maintenancecontracts from $11M to $39M in two years byreengineering professionalservices department.customer networkperformance 60% andachieved 99% employee retention rate.efforts for design, data center floor configuration,networking, physical security, power design,network op selection and fault tolerance for$88M, state-of-the-art 376,000 sq. ft. collocationcenter with 167,000 sq. ft. of raised flooring.SavedImprovedIncreasedA Career of Dynamic ResultsSpearheadedSpeaking Personally...Q How has your broad-based background helped you whendesigning strategies/solutions?A. My career track in more than one industry, across multiple functionsincluding carrier experience, utilities, insurance, construction, and healthcarehas provided a broad production and management foundation. All theseroles have provided experience that has helped me understand how toestablish a strategic vision for an organization’s most important initiatives.Q How do you get people to perform at levels beyond whatthey thought possible?A. This can be accomplished by focusing on a person’s strengths andempowering them to make decisions. You must also work togethertowards finding ways to overcome any weaknesses or areas ofimprovement, by providing the necessary tools and support to help themsucceed. I have personally led over twenty employees in obtaining thehighest certification in my field – the CCIE certification which helped topropel their careers much farther than they had originally strived to do.Q Why is thinking of global implications when makingdecisions so important in today’s marketplace?A. To be successful in today’s environment, you simply must take intoaccount how your business will resonate in the rest of the world. Youhave to know what local security laws are, what solutions you can exportto these areas, and what modifications would be required to conductbusiness in a specific country. Equally as important, how would youcommunicate across a solution and how to diversify so a single pointof failure so it doesn’t cost the company big dollars for not factoring incultural influences.
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